United Kingdom Of Israel Congregation (U.K.O.I.C) was founded in 2013. Here at UKOIC, we are deeply rooted in the word of the Most High God (YHWH), and teach that we must keep God's Laws, Statutes, and Commandments, along with the faith in Christ (Rev. 14:12) in order to receive the Kingdom to come (Rev. 22:14-15). At UKOIC we are more than a camp & more than a school... we are One BIG Family.
When it comes to teaching the Bible, it is done decently and in order according to "thus sayeth the LORD" as it is written. We believe that through scriptural, archeological, and historical proofs... we can prove that the so-called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Indians of North, Central, & South America (of Negroid descent), as well as others scattered to the four corners of the Earth; are indeed the Hebrew-Israelites that the Bible speaks of.