1. The word Samurai may be Hebrew in origin..... A SAMURAI was known to be the Japanese Royal Guard.
- In Hebrew a שומר SHOMeR is a Guard or "Watchman".
2. The word Samurai, according to Edward Odlum's (1930s, Canadian ethnographer) theory, comes from the word "Samaria".
- Samaria was a city in the Northern Kingdom of ancient Israel. He theorized that samurai originally meant "to defend Samaria".

Old Japanese Words Have Hebrew Origin
Joseph Eidelberg, a FAKE Jew who once came to Japan and stayed for years at a Japanese Shinto shrine, wrote a book titled "The Japanese and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel." He wrote that many Japanese words originated from ancient Hebrew.
Japanese: hazukashime to mean disgrace or humiliation.
Hebrew: hadak hashem tread down the name (See Job 40:12).
The pronunciation and the meaning of them are both almost the same.
Japanese: anta to mean "you,"
Hebrew: atah you (m)
Japanese: Kings in ancient Japan were called with the word mikoto,
Hebrew: malhuto which means "his kingdom." We call the Emperor of
Japanese: Mikado [resembles Hebrew word]
Hebrew: migadol which means the noble.
Ancient Japanese: agata-nushi (word for an area leader); "agata" is area, and "nushi" is a leader.
Hebrew: aguda nasi.
Japanese: Koyane the name of the priest
Hebrew: Kohen meaning a priest
In ancient Japanese folk songs, there appear many words which we cannot understand as Japanese. Dr. Eiji Kawamorita says that many of them are Hebrew. A Japanese folk song in Kumamoto pref. is sung "Hallelujah, haliya, haliya, tohse, Yahweh, Yahweh, yoitonnah...."
The Structure of the Japanese Shinto Shrine is the Same As God's Tabernacle of Ancient Israel.
The inside of God's tabernacle in ancient Israel was divided into two parts. One is the Holy Place, and another the Holy of Holies. So is the Japanese Shinto shrine. It is divided into two parts.
The functions prepared in the Japanese shrine are similar to the ones of the Israeli tabernacle. Japanese people pray in front of its Holy Place. They cannot enter inside. Only Shinto priests can enter. Shinto priest enters the Holy of Holies only at special times. This is the same as the Israeli tabernacle.
The Holy of Holies of Japanese Shinto shrine is located in far west as in the Israeli tabernacle. Shinto's Holy of Holies is also located on a higher level than the Holy Place, and between them there are steps. Scholars say that, in the Israeli temple built by Solomon, the Holy of Holies was on an elevated level as well, and between them there were steps of about 2.7 meters (9 feet) wide.

In front of a Japanese shrine, there are two statues of lions called "komainu" that sit on both sides of the approach. They are not idols, but guards for the shrine. This is also a custom of ancient Israel. In God's temple in Israel and in the palace of Solomon, there were statues or relieves of lions (1 Kings 7:36, 10:19).

In the early history of Japan, there were absolutely no lions. But the statues of lions have been placed in Japanese shrines since ancient times. It has been proven by scholars that statues of lions located in front of Japanese shrines originated from the Middle East.
Located near the entrance of a Japanese shrine, there is "temizuya" which is a place for worshipers to wash their hands and mouth. This is the same custom as found in Jewish synagogues. The ancient tabernacle and temple of Israel also had a laver for washing and sanctification near the entrances well.
In front of a Japanese shrine, there is a gate called the "torii." The gate of this style does not exist in China or in Korea, it is peculiar to Japan. The "torii" gate consists of two vertical pillars and a bar connecting the upper parts. But the oldest form consists of only two vertical pillars and a rope connecting the upper parts. When a Shinto priest bows to the gate, he bows to the two pillars separately. It is assumed that the "torii" gate was originally constructed of only two pillars.